Every successful person is the object or the ritual, that attracts good luck. Difficult to state unequivocally that, precisely, attracts the good luck the same object of faith in him - the man wears a happy tie before the negotiation and the transaction is successful, the woman is wearing on the neck a magical amulet and is found with "her" unique, sports teams have their lucky charms, they bring good luck. Let's see what are lucky charms, that help and how to make an amulet for good luck by itself.
What can be the mascot
Often it happens that the topic of luck, is of itself, I like the stone on the shore of the river, domestic cat, by chance, acquired the statuette, the object of jewellery, or a wardrobe. Such things they, themselves, attract the owners of the appearance, the texture, the shape or the color. If the magic object that has not yet been found, and without your support, uncomfortable, you can enjoy its manufacture, but it is better to make a talisman with your own two hands.
Lucky I carry:
- The stones;
- Jewelry: rings, pendants, brooches;
- Costume jewellery, hair clips;
- Plants, domestic animals;
- Paperboard products, thread, fabric, skin;
- Traditional objects: the shape of a horseshoe, statues, coins.
The list can go on, the choice of object depends on the personal preferences, but there are general rules for non-living objects: it is preferable to use natural materials, the pet must be pleasant to the touch and cause positive emotions.
The manufacturing and the conspiracy of the lucky mascot

If the object has been found, has been bought or reserved before the activation of their need to clean , ideal for any medium:
- Download a night in the salt water;
- Wash the light of the moon or the light of the sun;
- Sprayed with holy water or to attend with him to the church.
The conspiracy of found or purchased from the pet:
"Now my talisman, the fate of my! The luck and the luck it will bring me Misfortune and the wrong time I connect"
The manufacture of amulets of luck is better to do on Sunday is important so that the moon was in a phase of growth. The environment should be warm, positive mood. Prepare all the material and we begin:
- We shape pet, if needed, threading cord;
- If it is necessary to apply or the symbols of the runes;
- We enclose talisman in the tissue and put it under the pillow in the evening to the morning.
The knot
The linking of the mascot - one of the directions of nodular cast iron of the magic. For the manufacturing of need of leather rope and the blue of the flap. The fabric of the wrap in three double nodes, above each one is read from the conspiracy, after this nauzu give any form.
The first site that: "For the luck I went with my works and thoughts of" the Second node: "For these things always, and my word is truth" Third node: "that you not the virgin, nor explicit tear down luck, I do not can! So be it!"
Nodular talismans are stored in hidden of the prying eyes of the places: they hide in the house, in the bag, sewed under the lining of the clothing.
The runes
Traditional symbolism of magic is applied to the metal (stamped), stone (scratch), the tree (burning). For the activation you need to:
- The amulet made with their own hands, with runes;
- The sheet recorded conspiracy;
- The saucer, the back of boxes of matches, tweezers;
- The ochre natural, paint, red, beige, orange.
After the application of the runes, and the coloration of the amulet read :

- The name is pronounced of each of the runes, it is possible to write the text of the spell (it is important not to use the particle "not");
- The worksheet with a conspiracy stirred up the flame of the candle and is placed in the dish;
- The ash is necessary to collect and dissipate by the wind;
- The flame of the candle sprinkle a few drops of wine, Mead, beer, or oil.
The names of the runes of fate :
Anzus - rune of the word, prophecy, magic.
Urzus - rune of the action, the success, the life force, the energy.
Hyères - rune / the.
Runny talismans are cervical cord or in the inside pocket, you will need a power supply of the hands of the owner.
The bag
The easiest and most reliable method of making a magical object with his hands, it is a sheath with wax. You will need:
- The sail (best of the church);
- A glass of water;
- The new boxes of matches;
- The proof of the conspiracy;
- The cloth bag, and a small bag.
Manufacturing process:
- The candle install it in a glass and fill it with water to the half;
- Light the candle and read about it the conspiracy;
- The candle should burn out to the water and quera turned off at all times (to enhance the effect of the conspiracy read all the time until you turn on the candle);
- Pick up the pieces of wax, like for the way to put in cellophane bag and in the bag;
- Lucky charms-the bags must always be with the master.
The conspiracy:
"The sea-ocean, the island of troublemaker, in the fact that the island is the mountain, and the mountain of the nora. And in the den of the seven devils feel, that people failure send. Until the child closed his eyes, for the queue to fire lured. Until the fire of the and of their children, to me, won't see me devil with the brothers"
The second option of the conspiracy is read strictly at midnight.
"In the distant sea, on the blue sea there is an island. On the island that are worth monte alto, monte alto, there is nora deep, And the hole of the feel heck black people, People from the curse of yes failure send. You have passed me, servant of god (name) of the demons. Do not send them to me, misfortunes and bad weather. Meanwhile, the fire in me - lucky me"
A great amulet for good luck

The practitioners of the magicians and seers are often steep slopes on which they are marked with pentagrams, runes, or marks. This is done not for the demonstration of the skills for a better protection of the universalization of attention and the envy. A great amulet for good luck is made with the same principles that a small problem in its use. Often the style of life does not allow you to bring an amparo comes with indicator open, the alternative is to carry in the inside pocket of the bag. Special conditions or skills for the manufacture of a great pet of his hands, you do not need to have, in addition, an amulet can cause more characters.
Every person has the right to decide what to choose the amulet, and if it is necessary at all. The laws of the universe require the adoption of measures to achieve success, it is possible to personal of the pet will be the first step on the long road in the future.